Lineros & Cia. is a boutique Law Firm devoted to render legal services and specialized consultancy of the highest quality in all fields of Intellectual and Industrial Property, as well as in the field of Entertainment, encompassing music, films, television, radio, visual arts industries, live performances and theatre, sports and publicity.
The Firm is characterized for its dynamism, efficiency and particularly for establishing close relationships with its clients, based on an actual customized attention and on a deep understanding of their businesses and needs.
Aware about the strategic importance of the intellectual property assets and the complexities of its exploitation, the main purpose of Lineros & Cia. is to provide efficient responses to the increasing and more complex and specific requests arising in this field. In order to accomplish such goal, the company advises its clients not only in the planning and designing of policies for the protection, exploitation and maintenance of intellectual property rights, but also in its evaluation and implementation, helping this way to capitalize one of the most valuable assets in the developing of any kind of business.
Currently the Firm provides its services to both national and foreign companies belonging to a wide range of industries, including consumer goods, professional services, real estate services, entertainment and automotive, among others.
Due to the global interests of its clients, the Firm renders its services not only in Chile, but also throughout Latin American countries (Central America and South America). Likewise, its spread worldwide network of counselors and law firms of the highest level, guarantee global and timely assistance wherever its services are requested.